The Orange Blotch Peacock, formally known as Aulonocara sp, is a highly sought-after species of peacock cichlid. However, it is not native to Lake Malawi. The OB Marbled Peacock is a hybrid cichlid species. The OB peacock is a result of crossbreeding a male Aulonocara species with a female Mbuna species. This has led to the development of numerous varieties of the OB peacock, which are now often seen as a hobby. The OB Marble Peacock displays a stunning combination of purple, white, orange, and black patches over its head and body. These Cichlids grow to a size of 14-15cm.
Gender inequality
Males possess a “pointed” dorsal fin and anal fin that are slightly longer in comparison. Female individuals will possess fins that are more rounded in shape. Male individuals may have vibrant egg spots on their anal fin, while a few of females may also possess such egg spots. Peacock cichlids exhibit a maternal mouth brooding behavior where the females assume the responsibility of caring for both the eggs and the young.
Temperament and Suitable tankmates
This cichlid species is generally calm however, male individuals might exhibit aggression against other males of the same species. The species is polygamous; hence, it is optimal to maintain a male-female ratio of at least 1:3.
- Size: 15cm
- PH: 7.5-8.5
- Temperature: 24°c