German Turkis Peacock or scienctifically known as ‘Aulonocara sp’ originate from Lake Malawi, East Africa. They are known for their brilliant turquoise color and distinct fin patterns.
Gender Inequality
The males exhibit a coloration that is predominantly light blue and turquoise, with traces of orangish-red intermingled throughout their bodies. The females exhibit a gray coloration with unremarkable gray stripes. They possess a distinctive coloration, making them stand out among other Aulonocara Peacocks.
Temperament and Compatible Tank Companions
–Choose tank mates that share similar water requirements and temperaments, ensuring a peaceful and harmonious aquarium environment.
–Replicate the sandy and rocky environment of Lake Malawi with sandy substrates and provide rock formations to create hiding spots and territories
Size: 12cm
Ph- 7.5-8.5
Temperature: 24°c