The Red Side Peacock Cichlid also known as Aulonocara sp, crossbreed derived from the Aulonocara Species (Peacock Cichlid) found in Lake Malawi. Peacock Cichlids typically inhabit the area where the rocky shoreline meets the sandy substrate at the bottom of the lake. Nevertheless, they are also vigilant predators who aggressively hunt and capture small animals that they detect moving on the ground or spot in the sand. Their body is adorned with a stunning crimson colour, complemented with intricate blue and red patterns on their fins and head. The greatest size of these cichlids is 13-14cm.
Gender Disparity
Male individuals exhibit more colourful and intense colours, whereas females have lighter and more faded hues.
Temperament and Suitable Tank Companions
Avoid cohabitating peacock cichlids with aggressive fish species like as betta fish, tiger barbs, and most other cichlid species. Excellent companions for Cichlids include Plecos. Rainbow sharks.
Temp: 24°c
PH: 7.5-8.5
Size: 13-14cm