The Longfin Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus sp.), alternatively referred to as the Blue Eye Lemon Bushy Nose Pleco, belongs to the Loricariidae family, which consists of South American suckermouth catfishes. Although there are several suckermouth catfish species that have not been successfully produced in large quantities in tanks, the Bristlenose pleco is a commonly and readily bred species in the aquarium hobby. This fish can be easily identified by its highly diverse brown and tan marbled pattern, as well as the development of numerous bristle-like appendages on its face starting in its early adult stage. Both genders develop appendages, but the growth and length are significantly more prominent in males. A significant number of plecos, particularly those that are captured from the wild but have not yet undergone thorough scientific description and categorization, are assigned to the “L system.” The term “L” stands for Loricariidae, which is the family that encompasses South American suckermouth catfish. There is a widespread belief that the designation “L144” for this fish is incorrect, and that the genuine L144 pleco has never been raised or observed in captivity. However, it is possible that the L144 designation was initially utilized in the development of this particular color variation of the Ancistrus fish. Nevertheless, it is a very distinctive and exquisite fish that has been bred in captivity.
Positive Aspects of This Fish:
The Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose Pleco is a highly tranquil and resilient fish that can be easily incorporated into virtually any aquarium.
With a maximum size of 8-12cm, this fish is highly practical and easy to handle.
This fish is generally not harmful to most plants, but it is likely to be beneficial in controlling algae, particularly while it is young. Additionally, it will forage and ingest the majority of leftover fish feed.
PH : 6.5 – 7.5
Temperature : 22.0-26.0°C
Size: 12cm