Dragon Blood Peacock

Dragon Blood Peacock


5 cm (Import)

9 in stock




1 - 4 - 26.95 $
5 - 9 5 % 25.60 $
10 - 19 10 % 24.26 $
20+ 12 % 23.72 $


The Dragon Blood Peacock, , is a hybrid derived from the Aulonocara species found in Lake Malawi. Peacock Cichlids typically inhabit the area where the rocky beach meets the sandy lake bottom. The Dragon Blood Peacock is a very attractive member of the Peacock family, characterised by its strikingly vibrant red body and red head. The maximum size of these cichlids is 14-15cm.

Gender Disparity

Male individuals generally exhibit more vibrant hues, whereas females tend to display more subdued colours such as silver and brown. The male will exhibit vibrant egg spots on his anal fin, but a minority of females will also possess egg spots.

Temperament and Compatible Tank Companions

Dragon Blood Peacock African Cichlids can coexist harmoniously with species such as Yellow Lab Cichlids, Electric Blue Hap. These fish share similar water parameter requirements and temperaments, which makes them well-suited to be companions in a community arrangement.

Temp. 23 – 26°C

PH. 7.5 – 8.5

Size. 15cm

Additional information

Dimensions 5 × 1 × 1 cm